
1.相依与不完全数据的非参数统计分析【Nonparametric estimation with dependent and incomplete data】

2.非参数与半参数回归模型 【Nonparametric and semiparametric regression model】

3.线性与非线性小波估计 【Non-linear and linear wavelet estimation】

4.生存分析 【Survival analysis】

5.经验似然与极大似然 【Empirical likelihood and maximum likelihood】

6.分位数回归【Quantile regression】

7.计量经济 【Econometrics】



128. Liang Han-Ying, Maria Carmen Iglesias-Pérez. Weighted estimation of conditional mean function with truncated, censored and dependent data.《Statistics52(6), 1249-1269 (2018)[SCI]

127.Fan Guo-Liang,Liang Han-Ying,Zhu Li-Xing. Penalized profile least squares-based statistical inference for varying coefficient partially linear errors-in-variables models.Science China Mathematics61(9), 1677-1694 (2018)[SCI]

126.Shen Yu,Liang Han-Ying.Quantile regression and its empirical likelihood with missing response at random.Statistical Papers59(2), 685-707 (2018)[SCI]

125.Shen Yu,Liang Han-Ying,Fan Guo-Liang. Penalized empirical likelihood for quantile regression model with missing covariates and

auxiliary information.Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods47(8),2001-2021 (2018)[SCI]

124.Li Deli,Liang Han-Ying,Rosalsky Andrew. A probability inequality for sums of independent Banach space valued random variables.Stochastics90(2), 214-223 (2018)[SCI]

123.Liang Han-Ying,Ould Saïd Elias. A weighted estimator of conditional hazard rate with left-truncated and dependent data.Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics70, 155-189 (2018)[SCI]

122.Li Deli Li,Liang Han-Ying,Rosalsky Andrew. An extension of Feller's strong law of large numbers.Statistics and Probability Letters132, 83-90 (2018)[SCI]

121.Shen Yu,Liang Han-Ying.Quantile regression for partially linear varying-coefficient model with censoring indicators missing at random.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis117, 1-18 (2018)[SCI]


120. Zou Yu-Ye, Liang Han-Ying. Wavelet estimation of density for censored data with censoring indicator missing at random.

Statistics》51(6), 1214-1237 (2017) [SCI]

119. Liu Ai-Ai, Liang Han-Ying. Jackknife empirical likelihood of error variance in partially linear varying-coefficient errors-in-variables models.《Statistical Papers》58, 95-122 (2017) [SCI]

118. Xu Hong-Xia, Fan Guo-Liang, Liang Han-Ying. Hypothesis test on response mean with inequality constraints under data missing when covariables are present.《Statistical Papers》58, 53-75 (2017) [SCI]

117. Li Deli, Liang Han-Ying, Rosalsky Andrew. A note on symmetrization procedures for the laws of large numbers.

Statistics and Probability Letters》121, 136-142 (2017)

116. Zou Yu-Ye, Liang Han-Ying. Convergence rate of wavelet density estimator with data missing randomly when covariables are present. 《Communications in Statistics - Theory andMethods》46(2), 1007-1023 (2017)


115. Liang Han-Ying, Phillips Peter C.B.,Wang Hanchao, Wang Qiying. Weak convergence to stochastic integrals for econometric

applications.《Econometric Theory》 32, 1349–1375 (2016) [SCI]

114. Liang Han-Ying, Li Deli, Miao Tianxuan. Berry-Esseen type bound of conditional mode estimation under truncation and

strong mixing assumptions.《Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods45(17), 5077-5097 (2016) [SCI]

113. Zhang Jing-Jing, Liang Han-Ying. Berry-Esseen type bounds in heteroscedastic errors-in-variables model.《Communications

inStatistics-Theory and Methods》45(13), 3993-4017 (2016) [SCI]

112. Fan Guo-Liang, Liang Han-Ying, Shen Yu. Penalized empirical likelihood for high-dimensional partially linear varying coefficient model with measurement errors. 《Journal of MultivariateAnalysis147, 183-201 (2016) [SCI]

111. Liang Han-Ying, Baek Jong-IL. Asymptotic normality of conditional density estimation with left-truncated and dependent data.

Statistical Papers》57(1), 1-20 (2016) [SCI]


110. Zou Yu-Ye, Liang Han-Ying, Zhang Jing-Jing. Nonlinear wavelet density estimation with data missing at random when covariables are present.《Metrikia》78, 967-995(2015) [SCI]

109.Liang Han-Ying, Li Deli, Miao Tianxuan.Conditional quantile estimation with truncated,censored and dependent data.

Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B》 36(6), 969-990 (2015) [SCI]

108. Liang Han-Ying, Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez, Maria del Carmen Iglesias-Perez. A CLT in nonparametric regression with truncated,

censored and dependent data.《ScandinavianJournal of Statistics42(1), 256-269 (2015) [SCI]


  1. 国家自然科学基金 生物医学中的纵向数据的统计分析 2002年1月---2004年12月 参加

  2. 国家自然科学基金(国际合作) 极限理论及其统计学中的应用 2004年12月--2005年11月 主持

  3. 教育部留学回国启动基金 相依样本下参数与非参数估计 2005年1月---2006年12月 主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金 长程与短程相依数据的统计分析 2006年1月---2008年12月 主持

  5. 国家自然科学基金 相依与不完全数据的统计推断及其应用研究 2009年1月---2011年12月 主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金 不完全数据推断方法的进一步讨论 2013年1月---2016年12月 主持

  7. 教育部博士点基金 不完全数据基于Jackknife与Copula的统计推断 2013年1月---2015年12月 主持

  8. 国家自然科学基金 复杂数据的分位数回归与模型测试的研究 2017年1月---2020年12月 主持






Professor Dr. Han-Ying Liang,Ph.D(Wuhan University in 1997),Postdoctoral research fellow (University of Science and Technology of China during August 1997 and June 1999),Research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt (University of Marburg, Germany, during Dec. 2003 and Nov. 2004)

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