时间 |
2014/4/18 上午10:00am -11:30am |
地点 |
开云手机在线登陆入口数学系致远楼107室 |
主讲人 |
郑登元教授,南京审计学院 |
题目 |
Day Trader Behavior and Performance |
摘要 |
This talk aims to extend the literature concerning four patterns of behavior exhibited by day traders and the impact on performance. Based on the Sample of data from day traders from the Taiwan stock index futures (TXF) by analyzing transaction records of each trader. We will discuss why some day traders are profitable and others are not. By examining the transactions at an individual level, patterns of behavior can be identified. One goal of this paper is to better understand what patterns of day traders’behavior produce any given performance. The conclusion is as follows: No evidence found that trading too much is detrimental to investment performance. Disposition effect exists. A sizable portion of day traders in the sample are not shown to be loss averse, and do not experience a significant deterioration in trading performance. The lower 80 percent of day traders utilize a momentum strategy, |
郑登元先生, 台湾成功大学博士,台湾大学博士后研究。
目前研究已发表刊登的期刊为:Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Futures Markets及其他SSCI、EI等期刊。
l An Examination of the Relationship between the Disposition Effect and Gender, Age, the Traded Security, and Bull-Bear Market Conditions, March 2013,Journal of Empirical Finance21, 195-213.
l How Do Different Type of Traders Behave in Taiwan Futures Market? Dec 2013,Journal of Futures Markets33(2) 1097-1117。郑登元教授,南京审计学院