A Sufficient Condition for a Hypersurface to be Isoparametric

题目:A Sufficient Condition for a Hypersurface to be Isoparametric

报告人:彦文娇 教授 (北京师范大学 开云手机在线登陆入口)


时间:2018年5月15日 10:40-11:40

摘要: Let M be a closed Riemannian manifold on which the integral ofthe scalar curvature is nonnegative. Suppose a is a symmetric (0,2) tensor field whose dual (1,1) tensor A has n distinct eigenvalues, and tr(A^k) are constants for k = 1, ..., n-1. We show that all the eigenvalues of A are constants,generalizing a theorem of de Almeida and Brito in 1990 to higher dimensions.As a consequence, a closed hypersurface M in S^{n+1} is isoparametric if one takes a above to be the second fundamental form, giving affirmative evidence to Chern's conjecture. This is a joint work with Zizhou Tang and Dongyi Wei.
