Homotopy Decompositon of some Looped Co-H Spaces

题目:Homotopy Decompositon of some Looped Co-H Spaces

报告人:赵浩 教授(华南师范大学)


时间:2020年7月4日 15:00-16:00


会议 ID:726 365 804

摘要:In mathematics it is usually a routine way to decompose the mathematical object under consideration into some simpler ones which are easier to study. By analyzing how the pieces assemble the information is obtained about the original object. In homotopy theory, we usually need to decompose a topological space as the product or wedge of some smaller spaces. This method helps us to easily investigate the homotopy groups or homology groups of the original space via the ones of the smaller spaces. In this talk, I will simply introduce the method of homotopy decomposition and then give some our recent results on the homotopy decompositon of some looped Co-H spaces.
