Data-driven modelling and monitoring of industrial processes一方面由于存在各种不确定因素使得已有的数学模型很难应用到实际工业过程中;另一方面,传感器的飞速发展使得人们可以获得大量数据,所以基于数据的建模是当前研究的热点问题。本报告简要介绍数据驱动的工过程业的建模和监测张颖伟教授, 东北大学致远楼1023月8日(周五) 8:30-9:30
Multi-Agent Systems: Theories and Applications复杂多个体系统由大量个体通过局部相互作用而形成一个整体并在系统层次上涌现出各种各样的群体行为,如同步、群体智能等。复杂多个体系统在飞行器编队控制、多机器人协调等上有广阔的应用前景。本报告简要介绍复杂多个体系统的建模、分析与应用。吕金虎教授, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院致远楼1023月7日(周四)15:20
Nonlinear Recursive Filtering with Incomplete InformationIn this talk, we will discuss the recursive filtering problem for nonlinear stochastic systems with randomly occurring incomplete information. We will address the quantized filtering problem, the extended Kalman filtering problem, the recursive filtering problem with random parameter matrices, the gain-constrained recursive filtering problem and the probability-guaranteed filtering problems. The incomplete information includes multiple missing measurements, fading measurements, quantization effects, probabilistic sensor delays, sensor saturations, etc. Both the theoretical research and engineering applications will be discussed, and a series of recently published results will be reported.王子栋教授, 英国布鲁奈尔大学信息计算与数学学院终身教授致远楼1023月5日(周二)10:00
Integral quantization(s):Coherent States, Wigner-Weyl and MoreStarting with the toy example of a star-shaped frame for the plane (e.g. sea star), we explain the powerful role operator-valued measure, and particularly coherent states (CS) can play in quantizing any set equipped with a measure. These integral quantizations are illustrated with the standard case involving the Weyl-Heisenberg group (yielding the canonical quantization), and with the case involving for affine group of the real line.Jean Pierre Gazeau 教授 (Astroparticules et Cosmologie,Université Paris Diderot)数学系致远楼1072013年3月7日(周四)下午 4:30-5:30
Sums of Squares of Cyclotomic Fields报 告 人:纪春岗 教授(南京师范大学开云手机在线登陆入口)报告题目:Sums of Squares of Cyclotomic Fields时间:2013年1月17日(周四)上午10:00-11:00报告地点:致远楼105纪春岗 教授(南京师范大学开云手机在线登陆入口)致远楼105室2013年1月17日(周四)上午10:00-11:00
From Algebraic Groups to Finite Dimensional AlgebrasThe study of quasi-hereditary algebras has been a hot topic for about two decades in the circle of finite dimensional algebras. Interestingly, the notion of such algebras is first introduced by mathematicians working on algebraic groups, instead of those working on finite dimensional algebras. My talk will focus on why this happened. Thus, I shall explore the source of the theory of quasi-hereditary algebras in the representation theory of algebraic groups. That is, I shall show how highest weight categories appear naturally in representation theory of algebraic groups, leading to the definition of quasi-hereditary algebras.王建磐(华东师范大学)数学系(致远楼)1072013年1月16日(周三)14:50-15:50
Non-local Heat Flows And Geometric Flows报 告 人:马 力(河南师范大学特聘教授、博士生导师)报告题目:Non-local Heat Flows And Geometric Flows报告时间:2013年1月18日(周五)下午4:00-5:00报告地点:致远楼107马 力(河南师范大学特聘教授、博士生导师)致远楼107室2013年1月18日(周五)下午4:00-5:00
Some results on data assimilation problems and Tychonov regularization. Abstr...Data assimilation problems consist in retrieving the value of the solution at some time (everywhere in the domain) for an evolution problem knowing informations on the solution on a subdomain during a period of time. In a classical approach one tries to find the initial data using a Tychonov regularisation. This depends on a regularisation parameter and the problem becomes ill-posed when this parameter tends to zero. We will present a non standard approach, based on Controllability techniques, which enables to retrieve the solution at the final time. A consequence is also to give a sense to the classical approach in a non standard functional class. We will present this method on the heat equation for simplicity and if time permits some other example on a large scale ocean model with numerical tests. Prof. Jean-Pierre Puel Laboratoire de Mathematiques de Versailles Universite de Versailles St Quentin致远楼1072013年1月17日14:00-15:00