非紧Kahler流形的典则度量题目:非紧Kahler流形的典则度量报告人:傅吉祥 教授 (复旦大学 开云手机在线登陆入口)时间:2017年6月2日(周五)下午15:30-16:30地点:致远楼105室欢迎广大师生参加傅吉祥 教授致远楼105室2017年6月2日(周五)下午15:30-16:30
Optimal Bandwidth Selection in Nonlinear Cointegrating RegressionWe study optimal bandwidth selection in nonparametric cointegrating regression where the regressor is a stochastic trend process driven by short or long memory innovations. Unlike stationary regression, the optimal bandwidth is found to be a random sequence which depends on the sojourn time of the process. All random sequences that lie within a wide band of rates as the sample size goes to infinite have the property that local level and local linear kernel estimates are asymptotically normalProfessor Qiying Wang致远楼102室2017年5月30日(周二)上午10:00
On Weyl's Embedding Problem in Riemannian ManifoldWe consider a priori estimates of the Weyl's embedding problem of $(/mathbb{S}^2, g)$ in general $3$-dimensional Riemannian manifold $(N^3, /bar g)$. We establish mean curvature estimate under natural geometric assumption. Together with a recent work by Li-Wang, we obtain an isometric embedding of $(/mathbb{S}^2,g)$ in Riemannian manifold. In addition, we reprove Weyl's isometric embedding theorem in space form under the condition that $g/in C^2$ with $D^2g$ Dini continuous.陆思远致远楼102室2017年5月23日 PM 1:30-2:30
Asymptotic Behavior for a Reaction-Diffusion Population Model with DelayIn this talk, we study a reaction-diffusion population model with time delay. We establish a comparison principle for coupled upper/lower solutions and prove the existence/uniqueness result for the model. We then show the global asymptotic behavior of the model.邓铿 教授致远楼105室5月23日(星期二)下午 2:30-3:30
Dynamics in ChemostatIn this talk, I will present some results on chemostat models. In particular, I will report some progress on competitive exclusion principle. In addition, I will also present some results on factors leading to transient oscillations in chemostat.王林教授5月23日(星期二),下午 1:30-2:30致远楼105室
Multiscale Modeling of Early Mammalian BlastocystMathematical biologists apply mathematical, computational and experimental techniques to investigate biological processes at all levels, from the molecular to the population. To setup an approach spanning multiple levels of biophysical reality, I will describe a new 3D hybrid framework which includes three major submodels: the discrete stochastic Subcellular Element Model for individual cellular activity; continuum reaction-diffusion-advection partial differential equations of extracellular biomolecules; a stochastic decision-making model for cell lineage transition.杜慧静 博士致远楼107室2017年5月19日下午4点
Traveling Waves in Epidemic Models: Diffusion and Mon-monotonicityWe study the existence and nonexistence of traveling waves of diffusive epidemic models. The model systems are non-monotone because the disease models exhibit a predator-prey mechanism. We will construct a suitable convex set in a weighted function space, and then apply Schauder fixed point theorem. It turns out that the basic reproduction number of the corresponding ordinary differential equations plays an important role in the existence theory of traveling waves.汪翔升 教授致远楼1025月15日(星期一),上午 10:00-11:00
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Bacteria-phage Interactions in a Chemos...I first talk about the importance of phage therapy in fighting bacteria infections and review the advances of mathematical modeling in the study of phage dynamics. Then, I introduce our researches on how immune responses affect the outcomes of phage therapy. It is shown that the host immune response induces the backward bifurcation.王稳地 教授致远楼1025月12日(星期五),上午 9:30-10:30